tenderboy remix of of the ozzle summer-hit „sommerliebe feat. dizzy def, sac, merisha“

did a remix of the ozzle summer-hit „sommerliebe feat. dizzy def, sac, merisha“

listen to the original mix here: oZzle – sommerliebe feat. dizzy def, sac, merisha by billy barbados

there is also a remix by Soultronic: oZzle feat. dizzy def, sac, merisha – Sommerliebe Soultronic’s Mad Summer Remix by soultronic

listen, enjoy, spread the word!!!
play it loud!

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Über tenderboy

Audio engineer for live & Studio Producer the unfunk side of hiphop Neue Single "mehrmehrmehr" jetzt erhältlich...ua. auf http://itunes.apple.com/at/album/mehrmehrmehr-ep/id515940936 aktuelles album "mieze medusa & tenderboy - Tauwetter" jetzt im handel als CD, Vinyl und mp3-Download

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